Marriage in Danmark
May we introduce ourselves?
Even if you haven't got to know us personally at this point, we would like to give you a brief impression of us below.
You will be looked after by:
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Frank Schnaue | Samar Bader |
Study of law and pedagogy | Travel agent |
We are an office community in the heart of Bremen that specializes in care law.
In our professional work we have repeatedly had to deal with people who wanted to marry in Germany but failed due to the many bureaucratic requirements of the German registry offices. Sometimes the certificate of marriageability was missing, sometimes the birth certificate from the country of origin. In some of the countries, however, there is only limited functioning administration, so that the papers can no longer be provided.
During our research we quickly became aware of the possibilities of a simple marriage in liberal Denmark. Since some of our clients wanted to hire us to organise their wedding in Denmark, we sought contact with the authorities in Denmark and started to help other people organise their wedding as well.
Because it can be a great challenge to plan the wedding alone in a country that is foreign to you. That is why our aim is to relieve you of the burden of organizing your marriage and to provide you with an uncomplicated, fast and largely unbureaucratic wedding in Denmark.
And if there should ever be legal problems: We have the lawyer with us.
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